Saline Tattoo Removal

If you have an unwanted tattoo that you want to get rid of, consider saline tattoo removal. This gentle and effective method is a safe alternative to laser tattoo removal.

Saline Tattoo Removal

The solution is implanted into the skin by using a digital machine or by application with lip wand for emergency removal (within 48 hours).

Saline lightening works by a process called Osmosis. High salt content in saline solution moves into semi-permeable membrane to an area of lower salt content (where pigment is) causing Equalization. Equalization forces the pigment from the dermal layer up to rise up to the skin. 

During healing process, pigments that reached the upper layer skin gets trapped with the scab and falls off eventually.

Depending on how much pigment and depth of the pigment that needs to be removed, more sessions will be required until we reach desired result. With 3 sessions, significant improvement may be seen but can usually take 2-8 sessions.

Each session must be spaced out 8 weeks to allow the skin to properly heal.

The Process

Before we begin the saline tattoo removal process, I will schedule a consultation with you. During this consultation, we will assess your tattoo and discuss the expected results, number of sessions needed, and any potential risks or complications. I will also answer any questions you may have about the process.

During the saline tattoo removal sessions, we will apply a saline solution to the tattooed area using a specialized tool. The solution will then break down the ink in the tattoo, which will eventually be absorbed by your body. The number of sessions required will depend on the size of the tattoo, the ink colors, and the depth of the ink.

  1. Consultation: I will evaluate the existing eyebrow tattoos and discuss your desired outcome. We will also consider any changes in your skin type or color to ensure that your saline tattoo removal results in the best possible outcome.

  2. Saline Solution Treatment: We use a specialized saline solution to remove unwanted eyebrow tattoos. The solution is applied to the tattooed area using a fine needle, which breaks up the pigment and lifts it from the skin. This method is gentle and does not damage the surrounding skin.

  3. Healing Process: After the saline solution treatment, your skin may appear red and slightly swollen. We will provide you with after care instructions to ensure that your skin heals properly and that you avoid any potential complications.

  4. Touch-up: Depending on the extent of the tattoo removal, we may recommend a touch-up session after the initial treatment to achieve the desired outcome

After Care

It is crucial to follow after care instructions to ensure a proper healing process. Failure to comply may result in complications and scarring.

  • First few hours, gently blot the area with a clean, sterile gauze to remove any blood and lymph.

  • Keep the area clean and open to the air. Air/oxygen provides good and faster healing.

  • Cleanse the area 2-3x a day with Saline. Dampen a paper towel or cotton round with Saline and blot the area. Make sure hands are clean.

  • No bathing. swimming, saunas, tanning, exercise (excessive sweating)

  • Do not pick at the scabs and disrupt the scabbing process. It is critical to keep the scabs on as long as possible to achieve optimal results.

  • Apply Vitamin E oil over the treated area once all the scabs have fallen off. Continue to apply 2-3x a day until the next treatment.

When to seek Medical Attention - Infection:

Signs and symptoms of infection, including. but not limited to redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, elevated body temperature em or purulent drainage from the procedure site.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, please contact your medical physician.

Things to Note

  • It's important to the process and integrity of the skin that 8 full weeks of healing take place in between each session. No exceptions.

  • Lightening/removing can be a long process and patience is required.
Expect visible and wanted results in 2-5 sessions. How many sessions required will be dependent on how saturated the pigment is, how deep it was implanted, the location, skin type and how much needs to be lightened for the desired result.

  • Results cannot be foreseen, predicted or guaranteed.

Book Your Appointment Today

If you are interested in saline tattoo removal, please contact me to schedule a consultation. I’m dedicated to helping you achieve your desired results in a safe and effective manner.


  • Saline removal treatments can take 7-10 days to heal.

  • Yes, I will apply numbing cream before starting the procedure.

  • Although pain is subjective, it can be quite painful. After the numbing cream has worn off, it will feel like a burning sensation because it is a salt solution.

  • About 1 - 1.5 hours long

  • You must wait a whole 8 weeks in-between sessions. Waiting helps ensure the brows had enough time to heal properly.

  • Yes, your brows can completely be redone after.

  • No. The saline solution can remove newly deposited ink. The touch up would be wasted.

  • Laser removal sessions are usually 2-3 times more expensive than saline removal sessions.

    Depending upon the type of laser used, most laser machines are only able to produce certain wavelengths to target one color at a time. This leads to needing a lot more sessions. Certain colors such as white is not detected by laser, which causes the skin to gray out.

    Saline Removal does not recognize colors therefore it will lighten the tattoo overall versus a laser removal which will more than likely only target one color at a time. For example, if the wavelengths of the laser machine only target the blue of a tattoo, then the reds of the tattoo will be left behind.

  • Like any other form of removal, skin will look raw, thick and dark red, as it will inflamed after procedure. It will look worse before it gets better. The area to be removed will form a scab. After the scab falls off naturally, the fresh healed skin below often times will appear pinkish but will return to normal skin color, usually within a few weeks.

  • Day 1: Removal area will be red, rashly looking. cleanse with provided saline solution only.

    Day 2-10: scab formation occurs. Continue cleansing with saline solution.

    Day 10-4 weeks post procedure: scabs will fall off naturally. After the scabs have fallen off, skin will appear pinkish. During this time, Vitamin E is needed to be applied, to help regenerate the skin.

  • The more fresh the cosmetic tattoos are, the higher chance it can be removed. Great result are seen within 24 hours but the lesser chance of success after 48 hours. Contact me right away if that is the case.

  • Clients may not be able to avail this procedure if you are:

    • prone to hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation

    • cannot resist the urge to pick their scabs, people

    • has significant medical condition that interferes with wound healing

Removal Questions & Inquiries